1、愿你童顏永葆,快樂到老! may your childlike forever be happy to the old!
2、In my childhood memory, several children learn liberation movements of war! Particularly like cap and a star!
3、愿你懷著一顆童心享受生活,收獲快樂?!ou would like to enjoy life with a childlike innocence, happy harvest.
4、Happy Childrens Day to all the children! 祝所有的孩子們兒童節快樂!
5、Cherish the world of children, celebrate children's holidays, be happy and happy forever.
6、愿你永有童心,生活甜蜜。 may you always have childlike and sweet life.
7、今兒又是兒童節,我們也一起過吧!節日快樂! today is childrens day again. lets have it together! happy holidays!
8、On Childrens Day, remember to be a kid again and have fun!在兒童節這一天,記得再當一次孩子,盡情享受快樂!
9、祝你快樂像兒童一樣多,幸福像眨眼來的那么快?!ish you as much happiness as children, happiness as soon as blinking.
10、兒童節送你一份逍遙,愿你開心多快樂,美麗又幸福! childrens day gives you a free, wish you happy, beautiful and happy!
11、May the magic of childhood never fade away from your life.愿童年的魔力永不從你的生活中消失。
12、Children are the future of our society. 孩子們是我們社會的未來。
13、珍惜兒童世界,過好兒童節日,開心快樂永遠?!herish the world of children, celebrate childrens holidays, be happy and happy forever.
14、Children's day, I wish you have a happy childhood, happy.
15、Under the sun butterflies fluttering all over the sky, remember that you can be in. This time playing chase? The smiling faces of naive like flowers attract butterflies away! Children's Day is approaching, you would like to spend as smile! Happy Children's Day! 陽光下漫天飛舞的蝴蝶,可曾讓你記得那追逐嬉戲的歲月?天真的笑臉好似花兒,引得蝴蝶流連忘返!兒童節到來之際,愿你永駐花般笑顏!兒童節快樂!
16、Children's day to send you a carefree, wish you happy and happy, beautiful and happy!
17、I wish you a happy children's day.
18、Children's day, may you have children's happiness and happiness.
19、順心無煩憂,樂趣常伴守! be comfortable and worry free, and keep fun with you!
20、May you always have a childlike innocence and laugh everyday.
21、Wishing you a magical Childrens Day, filled with adventures and surprises. 愿你度過一個充滿冒險和驚喜的神奇兒童節。
22、愿你童顏不失,擁有孩子般嬌嫩的肌膚?!ay you have a childlike delicate skin without losing your childlike appearance.
23、尋找童年最喜歡的顏色,裝扮美麗心情?!ooking for a childhood favorite color, dress up beautiful mood.
24、Children are the flowers of our nation. 孩子們是我們國家的花朵。
25、祝你童真永固、童心永在?! wish you a solid and childlike heart.
26、Children is the most precious natural resource、Dark spirit grand ideal, young soul saffron.
27、The day hope you are happy like a teapot on the stove, although small Pipi burned the boiling hot, but still happy blowing whistles, braving the well-being of the bubble, the music Pidianpidian! I wish you a happy Children's Day! 希望每天的你都快樂得象爐子上的茶壺一樣,雖然小**被燒的滾燙滾燙,但依然吹著開心的口哨,冒著幸福的泡泡,樂的*顛*顛!預祝你兒童節快樂!
28、I wish you like children, happy and happy every year.
29、I wish you a happy children's day and a happy river.
30、Grownup children I wish you a happy holiday, wisdom with age growth.
31、收到我的.問候一定要笑,賞你一顆糖喲?!eceive my greetings must smile, enjoy you a candy.
32、May your childhood be filled with sweet memories and endless fun!愿你的童年充滿甜蜜的回憶和無盡的歡樂!
33、送你一顆童心,愿你煩惱少,快樂多?!end you a childlike innocence, let you worry, less happy.
34、Wishing you a day filled with smiles, hugs, and happy memories!祝你度過一個充滿微笑、擁抱和幸福回憶的一天!
35、六一兒童節,祝你節日快樂,百事可樂! happy childrens day, pepsi cola!
36、兒童是希望,兒童是夢想,兒童節快樂。 children are hope, children are dreams, childrens day is happy.
37、Dear children, I wish you joy and happiness in your holidays.
38、Let's play the blessing of the conch, always like a child without worries!
39、May this Childrens Day bring you lots of fun and happiness. 愿這個兒童節帶給你無盡的歡樂和幸福。
40、May the joy of Childrens Day follow you throughout the year. 愿兒童節的快樂伴隨你整年。
41、祝你:紅光滿面、童顏大悅?!ish you: the red light is full of face and the child is very happy.
42、愿你還像童年一樣臉上掛滿笑顏,無憂無慮幸福無邊。 May you still have a smile on your face like childhood, free from worry and happiness.
43、Childhood is beautiful、61, I hope you will find your childhood fun and enjoy it.
44、愿你擁有童顏,青春不變。 may you have a childlike look and youth will not change.
45、I wish my friends happiness and joy and laughter into today's life.
46、Bless you for being little, 61 happy!
47、May your childhood be filled with laughter and joy. 愿你的童年充滿歡笑和快樂。
48、Resident adults and children with childlike innocence, children and adults together to mature.
49、六一兒童節,追憶美好童年,共創輝煌明天! childrens day, recalling a happy childhood, create brilliant tomorrow!
50、Wishing you a fun-filled Childrens Day with all your friends and family.祝你和所有的朋友家人一起度過一個充滿樂趣的六一兒童節。
51、your life has just opened a first page and is willing to rising of the sun shining your beautiful poem years. Tomorrow belongs to you. 你的生命剛剛翻開了第一頁,愿初升的太陽照耀你詩一般美麗的歲月。明天屬于你們。
52、I thank god let me have you, my child in this special day I wish you well.
53、祝你快樂無邊,幸福永遠! wish you happiness endless, happiness forever!
54、兒童節,釋放孩子們快樂! childrens day, release the children happy!
55、the grand ideal of the dark spirit, a young soul saffron. 宏偉理想鼓斗志,幼小心靈開紅花。
56、Childrens Day greetings to you! May you always be young at heart!兒童節快樂!愿你永遠保持一顆年輕的心!
57、兒童節,愿你無憂無慮,幸福生活一輩子! Childrens day, I wish you happy and happy life!
58、Happy Childrens Day! Keep smiling and dreaming big!兒童節快樂!保持微笑,大膽夢想!
59、Happy 61, happy with you, running, jumping, fighting, playing games, schoolbags, candy and hugging.(YjS21.com 幼兒教師教育網)
60、On this special day, remember to be a child again and enjoy the simplicity of life. 在這個特殊的日子里,記得再次成為孩子,享受生活的簡單。
61、兒童節,給自己心情放個假吧! childrens day, give yourself a holiday!
62、Childhood is a flower, childhood is a seed, full of vitality, vitality, recall childhood, recall childhood, happy Children's Day!
63、童年有趣,成年有酒?!hildhood is fun, and adults have wine.
64、天天過六一,天天好心情?!very day, a good mood.
65、六一兒童節到了,愿你童真常在,幸福滿載。 childrens day is coming. may your innocence be in full bloom.
66、六一兒童節要到了,我的禮物只想要西瓜?!hildrens day is coming. my gift is only for watermelon.
67、祝福很真誠,你要很幸福,兒童節快樂! Blessing is very sincere, you have to be happy, happy childrens day!
68、Today is your day to be a kid, so have fun and enjoy every moment! 今天是你的節日,盡情玩耍,享受每一刻吧!
69、六一兒童節到瞭,愿你時刻歡心?!hildrens day is coming. may you always be happy.
70、六一兒童節,祝你節日快樂無比! happy childrens day!
71、The children is the most happy day today, I wish the children happy holidays, learning progress.
72、兒童節到了,愿童年的快樂延續你精彩的人生?!hildrens day is coming. may the happiness of childhood continue your wonderful life.
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