1、健康藥方:最好的處方是樂觀,最好的治療是預防,最好的運動是跑步,最好的醫生是朋友。 Health prescription: the best prescription is positive, the best treatment is prevention, the best sport is running, the best doctor is a friend。
2、Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness!祝你生日妙不可言,整年沉浸在幸福里!
3、一路高升,祝新工作得心應手,順風順水?!ish rises, the new work with ease, the wind。
4、正逢新春佳節,恭祝貴公司事業蒸蒸日上,更上一層樓! As the Spring Festival, I wish your company business progresses day by day, to the next level!
5、請接受我送給您的禮物,禮輕情誼重,它帶著我的思念和最美好的祝福?!lease accept the gift I sent to you. The gift of friendship is heavy, and it has my thoughts and best wishes.
6、愿這獨白,留在你生命的扉頁;愿這切切祈盼,帶給你新的幸福。 May this monologue, in the pages of your life; may the earnestly hope, bring you new happiness.
7、我住長江頭,君住長江尾,日日思君不見君,共飲長江水。此水幾時休,此恨何時已。只愿君心似我心,定不負相思意。 I live upstream, you live the Yangtze river, day after day, have you noticed, drink the Yangtze river water。 The water, how long will the hate when already。 Only willing to js mi ammy is like my heart, will not be long for meaning。
8、新年將至,在新的一年,新的起點,讓我們有新的開始,江英帶來真誠的祝福:愿你抱著平安,擁著幸福,帶著甜蜜,牽著財運,拽著吉祥,邁入新年! New Year will come, in the New Year, new beginning, let us have a new start, Jiang Ying bring sincere blessings: peace be to you embrace, the embrace happiness, with a sweet, took the money, lug auspicious, into the New Year!
9、Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits e people say,Shien mountain,because mountains fort.你的慰問給我帶來了莫大的安慰。
10、歲月可以褪去記憶,卻褪不去我們一路留下的歡聲笑語。祝你新春快樂,歲歲安怡! Years may faded memories faded, but not to our laughter all the way。 I wish you a happy New Year, but each anlene!
11、恭祝新年快樂!祝您在新的一年里:身體健康!工作順利! To wish you a happy New Year! I wish you in the New Year, good health! The work is smooth!
12、原諒我吧!我知道我錯了,你若不能原諒我的話,那就不斷的打電話罵我吧!我愿意被你罵到老!Forgive me. I knofort from you makes me go foran. pensation!
13、脖子扭扭,屁股扭扭,跟我做運動,抖抖手,抖抖腳啊,早睡早起身體好?!wisting, twisting his neck, and ass, do sports with me and shook his hand, shook the foot, early to bed and early to rise body good。
14、晚安!看著夜空中的月亮圓了一輪有一輪,希望你的夢境也想月亮一樣圓滿! Good night! Look at the sky the moon round round round, hope your dreams also want to round the moon!
15、又到周末,忙碌了一周的您可以稍稍休息一下了,愿初夏的暖陽伴您渡過一個輕松愉快的周末! Again by the weekend, busy week you can a little rest, may early summer warming Yang with you through a relaxed and happy weekend!
16、用琵琶彈奏一曲東風破,祝你好事多多,用吉他彈奏一曲七里香,祝你心情陽光,用鋼琴彈奏一曲魔杰座,祝你周末快樂?!ith pipa playing a QuDong break wind, I wish you a good thing, with the guitar playing a song qi li xiang, wish you feel the sunshine, play a tune on the piano the magic jie, I wish you a happy weekend。
17、銀波為箋,風帆為詞,祝福您無憂無慮,乘風破浪,開拓遠大前程。 Silver wave for depicting sail word, wish you ride the wind and waves develop great expectations, light of heart from care.
18、愿我的祝福變成你遠征時解渴的清泉,煩惱時甜蜜的安慰,勝利時慶功的鮮花?!ay my blessings become the springs of thirst, the sweet comforts of sorrow, the flowers of victory when they are victorious.
19、每一天都為你心跳,每一刻都被你感動,每一秒都為你擔心。有你的感覺真好。Every day heartbeat for you, every moment is touched by you, every second ent eternal. panied by your journey, ing in the summer embankment, full of pany you, your happiness is my happiness.
20、Some people say, Shien mountain, because mountains ething of our lives.您不僅是一位好老師,也是我們親密的朋友,謝謝您幫助我們奮發有為。
21、With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season!在這絢爛快樂的圣誕佳節,獻上一切美好的祝福!
22、遙望水天相接的遠方,想起異國誘人的風光,托海鷗捎去問候,并祝你身體健康! Take water sky of the distance, think of exotic attractive scenery, sea gulls breeze to take along the greetings, and wish you good health!
23、May Christmas and the New Year be filled with happiness for you。愿你圣誕和新年幸福無盡。
24、我知道。你一定是生氣了。因為我看到:你的頭發炸起來了。That's true. You must be angry. Because I see: your hair is blown up.
25、It’s joy to know you,wishing the nicest things always for you,not only today,but all the year through because you are really a joy to know。認識你是一種快慰,愿你永遠擁有最美好的東西,不僅今天擁有,而且天天擁有,因為認識你真是一種慰藉。
26、紫色的風鈴,訴說著牽掛的深情;金色的光輝,照耀著思念的深邃;白色的云朵,飄灑著祝福的訴說;祝愿你擁有快樂周末! Purple wind chimes, telling the deep feeling of caring; The depth of golden light, shining thoughts; White clouds, floating wishes to tell; Wish you have a happy weekend!
27、朋友,不管你是寂寞,還是悲傷,我都愿意陪你,你的快樂就是我的快樂?!riends, whether you are lonely, or sad, I am willing to accompany you, your happiness is my happiness.
28、When you need real understanding,when you need someone to care,when you need someone to guide youa father is always there。Thank you,Dad,for listening and caring,for giving and sharing,for being such a wonderful Dad。當你需要真正的理解,當你需要關心,當你需要指點,你總可以去找父親。謝謝您,爸爸,謝謝您傾聽、操心,謝謝您給了我許多,可又為我分擔憂愁,謝謝您是這樣了不起的爸爸。
29、我是一個糊涂蟲,我是一個笨蛋,但是請相信我,我并不是有意的。能原諒我嗎?親愛的。I'm a fool, I'm a fool, but believe me, I didn't mean to. Can you forgive me? Dear.
30、去清爽的涼風,讓好運和美麗永遠追隨你一生,讓短信一次次的奉我永遠的祝福,祝周末愉快! To cool breeze, to the best of luck and always follow your beautiful life, let the message over and over again in my blessing forever, wish have a nice weekend!
31、Time does not water down the wine of friendship;distance does not separate our hands of longing.Wishing you happiness forever!時間沖不淡友情的酒,距離拉不開思念的手,祝福你,永遠永遠!
32、May your New Year be filled with special moment,warmth,peace and happiness。愿你的新年充滿溫馨,祥和與幸福。
33、Don’t be disappointed on the journey of life。There are friends in the world。Seize your chance and value your opportunities。May our friendship be everlasting。人生路上何須惆悵,天涯海角總有知音。把握機會珍惜緣分,祝愿我們友誼長存。
34、生日快樂,越長越漂亮,開開心心發?!appy birthday, more long more beautiful, a happy heart。
35、讓我為您祝福,讓我為您歡笑,因為你閃爍的燭光也照亮了我生命的一角。Let me bless you, let me laugh for you, because your flashing candlelight also illuminates a corner of my life.
36、愿我們在無情中渴望有情,在有情中渴望愛情?!ay we yearn for love in the heartless, desire for love in love.
37、A little birthday wish just to let know how much I care about you。May you seek all the best that the world has to give。May you never stop learning for as long as you live。小小的生日祝福。略表我的心愿。愿你的追求孜孜不倦,愿你永遠學而不厭。
38、我心中的女神:對不起!我這樣做是因為我喜歡你,愛你!很想和你在一起!請再給我一次機會好嗎?Goddess in my heart: I'm sorry! I do this because I like you and love you! I really want to be with you! Could you give me another chance?
39、你淺淺的微笑,是一首純真的抒情詩,是一支幽婉的小夜曲?!our smile is a pure lyric poem, is a fine serenade.
40、絢麗的季節,美好的日子,寄上濃濃愛意,送給你一份美好的祝福。The beautiful season, the beautiful day, send you a strong love, give you a good blessing.
41、A gift of love for your birthday,which is a warm wish from my heart。Happiness for your birthday and always。送上一份生日禮物,它是我內心深處的是生日祝福,祝你生日快樂,歲歲平安!
42、生病的是你,心痛的是我。保持健康,不僅是對自己生命的義務,也是對親屬甚至也是對社會的付出。 It is I who is sick, you heartache。 To keep healthy, is not only the obligation of his own life, also for relatives and even for the pay of the society。
43、Wishing you a sparkling New Year and bright happy New Year!愿你的新年光彩奪目、燦爛幸福!
44、When seeing you off,we express deep regret and wish you a pleasant journey。我們懷著眷戀難舍的心情為您送行,祝你一路順風。
45、讓世界上一切的歡樂都融和在我的歌中,來慶賀你的生日?!et all the happiness in the world melt in my song and congratulate for your birthday。
46、吸煙以示瀟灑的觀念已經很老土了。為了健康,你就少吸兩支吧! Smoking in clear idea has very corny. In order to be healthy, you should take less than two cigarettes!
47、綠茵茵的草坪,纏綿綿的琴音,親愛的朋友啊,你能否聽到我跳動的心?!reen lawn, Chan continuous sound, dear friend, can you hear my heart beating.
48、心靈的吸引產生的是友誼,智慧的吸引產生的是敬意,肉體的吸引產生的是欲望,此三者的結合便產生了愛情。 Heart attract is friendship, respect, is wisdom to attract the physical attraction is the desire, the combination of these three, the love。
49、很榮幸過去的一年里能在您的領導下工作和學習,祝您在新的一年里健康如意,馬到成功?!s a great pleasure in the past year and can work under your leadership and learning, I wish you in the New Year health, success。
50、Congratulations,Graduate,on all that you’ve accomplished…Good luck in all that you’ll achieve。祝賀你,畢業生,祝賀你取得的一切成績…愿你日后一切順利。
51、茫茫網海,偶爾的一聲問候,使我們成為朋友,從此我的生活里有了顏色。 The vast sea, occasionally a greeting, so that we become friends, and my life with color.
52、轉眼之間,已走至寒冷的冬末,在這樣凜冽的日子里,對你的思念更深更濃。祝你平安快樂! Suddenly, has gone to the cold winter, in such a cold day, thoughts deeper and strong for you。 I wish you a happy peace!
53、一覺醒來好想你,隨手發去短信息,幾天沒見可好嗎,祝你天天好心情。 Wake up missing you, with hair to short message, a few days no see, how, I wish you good mood every day。
54、祈愿最忠誠的祝福,永遠陪伴著你,特別是現在,在你生日來臨的時刻。 May the most sincere blessing ever be with you, especially now, on your birthday.
55、愿我的祝福,如一縷燦爛的陽光,把你幸福安寧的生活照耀。 Let my blessing, like a wisp of a brilliant sun, shine your happy and peaceful life。
56、當舊年離去的時候,同時離去的也是所有的不快;當迎來新春的時候,同時也迎來了新的希望。祝你新年快樂。 When the old year leave, leave at the same time also all the unhappiness; When to celebrate the New Year, at the same time also ushered in the new hope。 I wish you a happy New Year。
57、You’re wonderful friend,and I treasure you more with every year。你是一位難得的摯友,我對你的珍重與歲俱增。
58、New Year time is here。May every day hold happy hours for you!新年來臨,愿你時時刻刻幸福歡樂!
59、我派出一只最可愛的蚊子去找你,它會告訴你我很想你,請它替我好好疼你,送你很多紅包,愿我是第一個祝福你夏天快樂的人! I sent a the most lovely mosquito to find you, it will tell you I miss you, please it for me to have a good hurts you, send you a lot of red envelopes, wish I was the first to wish you a happy summer!
60、學會懷抱感激,才會有人生的信念,生命的動力。Learn to be grateful, then you will have faith in life, the power of life.
61、God bless you and yours,and surround you ever with his blessing。愿上帝祝福你和你的愛人,永遠賜福于你們。
62、Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true。但愿天從人愿,幸福與愛情無邊!
63、最好的同學,今天二十年相聚一回,接下去你的人生祝你一路平安!越走越精彩?!est classmate, twenty years together once today, then your life wish you bon voyage! More walk more good。
64、ter friend。 Thank you for all that you have done。您不僅是一位合格的教師,更是一位好朋友,謝謝您所做的一切。
65、這條短信:載滿的是思念,裝滿的是想念,盛滿的是牽掛,填滿的是問候,寫滿的是祝福,周末到了,愿你快樂相伴,幸福相繞,吉祥如意。 This message: full is missing, is filled with miss, is filled with care, fill the greetings, writing is full of blessings, weekend comes, wish you happy companions, happiness around, good lucky for you。
66、藍色,在大海中是那樣的深沉穩重,它代表著毅力。愿你的生活永遠充滿藍色?!lue, so deep and steady in the sea, it stands for perseverance. May your life be filled with blue forever.【www.Jz139.cOM 迷你句子網】
67、遇見你是命運的安排而愛上你是我情不自禁。Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
68、家常美味養養胃,新鮮空氣潤潤肺,暖暖陽光曬曬背,融融被窩睡一睡。周末有滋又有味,生活一定格外美! Homemade delicious nourishing the stomach, fresh air, drink the lungs, the warm sunlight shines back, bed sleep a happy and harmonious。 Weekend have AIDS and relish, life must be very beautiful!
69、我用所有的喜悅,為你祈禱,愿你在這一年里平安、快樂?! pray for you with all the joy, and I wish you peace and happiness in the year.
70、恭喜貴公司成功上市!在新的一年里大展宏圖! Congratulations on your successful listing! In the future in the New Year!
71、在一生中,健康的價值遠勝過聲望和財富。愿您勞逸適度,多加保重?!n life, the value of health is far more than prestige and wealth. Wish you work and moderate, and take care.
72、微柔的輕風,代我傳遞對你的深深愛意,祝你永遠快樂?!entle breeze, send me deep love for you, I wish you happy forever.
73、愿健康快樂像陽光普照大地般環繞在你身邊,愿幸運幸福像春雨滋潤萬物般飄灑在你左右?!ay joy and health as the sun shines the earth around in your side, wish lucky happy like spring rain moisten all things around you。
74、A cheery New Year hold lots of happiness for you!給你特別的祝福,愿新年帶給你無邊的幸福、如意。
75、一聲問候,一個愿望,一串祝福望你心中常有快樂涌現。 A greeting, a wish, a string of blessing hope you very happy in your heart。
76、To wish you joy at this holy season。Wishing every happiness will always be with you。恭祝新年吉祥,幸福和歡樂與你同在。
77、說忙不忙,說閑不閑,放飛心靈休閑;說近不近,說遠不遠,真心朋友思念;說多不多,說少不少,假日快樂綿綿! Says busy, idle idle, can relax the leisure; Say nearly not nearly, said, is it far true friend miss; Say how much, said little, happy holiday continuous!
78、It is a hopeless(definite)(positive)understatement to say that I am deeply (sincerely)(truly)grateful。這就是說我深深的(真摯的)(真誠的)感謝遠不足以(不能確切)(不能明確)表達我的謝意。
79、這是個愜意的寧靜世界,陽光燦爛如昔,柔風輕輕如昔,但愿美好的時光就這樣駐足,帶給您歡欣與鼓舞,周末愉快! This is a nice quiet world, the sun is shining as ever, the soft wind gently as ever, I hope that a good time to stop this, bring you joy and inspiration, have a nice weekend!
80、Thank you,Mother,for your love,your smiles,your faith and trust,but most of all for being such a wonderful mother。謝謝您,母親,謝謝您的愛撫、您的微笑、您的信念、您的信任,但最重要的是,謝謝您是這樣慈祥敦厚的母親。
81、感恩之人亮若璀璨星光,仇怨之人,暗若慘淡愁云。A grateful man shines like a bright star, a hateful man darkens like a gloomy cloud.
82、支支燦爛的燭光,歲歲生日的幸福,幸運的你,明天會更好! A brilliant candlelight, suisui birthday happy, lucky you, tomorrow will be better!
83、愿我們講同開辟一塊愛的土壤,讓希望的種子結出現實的甜果?!ay we speak with open up a love of the soil, so the seeds of hope produce real sweet fruit.
84、讓我們懷著感激的心情,一起渡過這個節日吧。感恩節快樂!Let's spend this festival e kind, tolerant and loving.
85、祝福串成一首詩,一段旋律,開啟一片溫馨的春的園地?!reeting transformed into a poem, a melody, open a garden of spring。
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- 2 2025小學生標語(匯集73句) 01-21
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- 8 2025婦女節教職工祝福語(推薦43句) 01-14
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