英語申請書 篇1
Dear Sir or Madam,
I learn from the nespaper that the Asian Winter Games will be held in the city where I live and that some volunteers are needed.I hope I can have a chance to do something for it.
I am a 18-year-old boy student in a senior middle school.In my spare time I like watching English movies,so I can speak English fluently.Besides,I like sports and also like to read books about sports.Meanwhile,I am good at making friends and I am always ready to help others.
I have had some experience about being a volunteer.I will try my best to do something to help this Asian Winter Games to be a great success.I hope I can be chosen to be one.Thank you.
Li Hua.
英語申請書 篇2
Dear Mr. Cartwright:
I would like to extend my appreciation to Locking Company for allowing me to work for you for the past number of years. I have gained a vast amount of knowledge, experience and expertise over the past number of years. Your support, training, friendship and sincerity will always be remembered.
At this time, I would like to request a two week notice. Due to a recent promotion, personal reason, etc., I will be resigning as of include exact date to pursue other avenue.
Again, thank you for your time and friendship with Locking Company.
英語申請書 篇3
To the Admissions Committee of Harvard University,
My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to express my strong desire to attend Harvard.
I have always been a passionate learner, with a focus on the field of engineering. I have engaged in various engineering projects, both in and out of school. In my schools engineering club, we designed and built a prototype of a [describe the engineering project, e.g., a solar-powered water purifier]. Through this project, I learned about the design process, prototyping, and testing. I also had to overcome numerous technical challenges, which enhanced my technical skills and my ability to work under pressure.
Academically, I have taken advanced courses in mathematics, physics, and computer science, which are the foundation of engineering. I have consistently achieved high grades and have been recognized for my outstanding performance in these courses. I have also participated in engineering internships, where I worked on real-world projects and gained practical industry experience.
Harvards School of Engineering and Applied Sciences offers an ideal environment for me to further my studies. The cutting-edge research facilities and the collaborative research opportunities are extremely attractive. I am eager to work with the renowned faculty and contribute to the research efforts in areas such as [mention specific engineering research areas of interest]. I believe that the interdisciplinary nature of the programs at Harvard will allow me to integrate different engineering disciplines and develop innovative solutions to complex problems.
I am committed to making the most of my time at Harvard and becoming a well-rounded engineer who can make a positive impact on society. I hope that you will consider my application and give me the chance to fulfill my dreams at Harvard.
Thank you.
英語申請書 篇4
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a personal secretary to the general manager. I am fully confident that I am the right person for the job.
I know that my future boss have lots of work each day, however, it is exactly the challenge inherent in my perspective job that attracts me and makes me to submit this application to you. I have worked as the private secretary in an insurance company for two years and gained many experiences. I believe my qualifications and work experiences will combine to produce an excellent work performance.
I would like to meet you to discuss the possibility of working in your company at a continent time. I can be reached at 8976-5678.
Thank you for considering my application. Please contact me at your earliest convenience.
Yours sincerely,
英語申請書 篇5
Dear XX,
I believe teachers are given the opportunity to set the foundations of aprosperous future, not only for individual children but for our society as awhole. Although this is a huge responsibility, I also believe that through theeducation of children, we are able to deliver children the opportunity to find afuture which they enjoy, and this is a responsibility which is very much worthworking towards. Overcoming the hardships involved in working with young peoplein such a transitional and dynamic time of their lives will be a challenge, butI believe the reward of seeing children flourish is more than worth the effortand dedication required.
I have chosen this course in particular as it is a vital step in my pathtowards teaching, and one which can equip me not only with the skills requiredto teach, but with the skills required to engage pupils in subjects which theyrequire to form the basis of their education [this will be extended once I workout if I am doing a subject joint with education/which subject]. I am extremelyinterested in the sociological aspect of this course, as it is fundamental, inmy opinion, that we understand the social issues surrounding childhood, e.g. thecreation of childhood as a concept or racism in education, if we are to moreadequately raise children in a society based in equality.
I spend most Sundays caring for my younger cousins (from infancy to the ageof 11) which has created a passion for helping the young. Likewise, I spendaround four to five hours each week voluntarily helping young people on thewebsite ‘7 Cups’, which involves helping them through issues such as bullying,stress, and family issues. I have dedicated time to reading research ofeducation, with the book ‘Racism and Education’ in particular standing out as ahugely important collection of essays.
My A2 and AS level choices have equipped me with skills which will benefitmy further education and work with young people. English Literature has been apassion of mine since year 7, and means that I have learnt key skills such asanalytical techniques and different social perspectives, as well as empathywhich is required in understanding the perspective of authors, which isessential for caring for young people. Similarly, History has given me anunderstanding of the modern education system and principles on which it isbased, for example, universality. Psychology has involved a unit specificallyfocusing on childcare attachments in young children and the effects this canhave in later life, and so I am more aware of the importance of high qualitycare and what that involves e.g. a high level of involvement in the work of eachindividual child, though of course this is difficult in the context of aclassroom of children. Finally, and possibly most importantly, Sociology hasgiven me a grasp of the social context in which we teach, i.e. the effect class,race, and gender have on children, and how teachers are responsible to educatethemselves in regards to their own inherent cultural biases, meaning that we cancombat the effects which these biases have on young people and our widersociety.
[im currently searching for work experience and so I have not completedthis section]
Going forwards, I hope to strive towards a career in primary teaching,wherein I will have the capabilities, upon completion of this course, to helpenable children to reach their potential, both in terms of their educationalsuccess and their personal well-being.
Yours sincerely,
英語申請書 篇6
I regret to inform you that I decided to resign from my present position as (position) with effective from (next day of last date).
Thank you for giving me a chance to learn and to gain the valuable experience in (company name and section work with). I hope my resignation would not cause you much inconvenience.
Thank you for your kind attention and would appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before I leave.
英語申請書 篇7
July 18, 2022
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to apply for admission to your university to pursue my M.S. degree. I found that your university has the best graduate program of biology and I am greatly interested in the program.
I graduated in 2020 from Peking University, majoring in biology and holding a bachelors degree. At university, I took many fundamental courses in biology. My English is excellent as I used to be the chairperson of English Association for two years. After graduation, I have been teaching biology in Capital Normal University. Through my teaching experience, I have not only deepened my understanding in this field, but mastered many advanced research skills as well.
Two of my former professors and the present dean of our department have kindly written letters of recommendation for me, as enclosed with this letter. Thank you very much. Im looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
英語申請書 篇8
Dear xx teacher,
My name is xx, xx Middle schoolxxxx student. Me andxx It originated from themoonlight in the lotus pond that I read when I was young. The vast moonlightfell quietly and the lotus leaves stood in the fields. I was deeply impressed bythe beautiful scenery like a dream. From then on, I was deeply impressed by thesimple, elegant and rich cultural heritagexx It takes root in my heart andbecomes the holy land of my dreams.
What I pay attention to is the all-round development of talents, so in thestudy of all subjects, I am steady and excellent, and I am among the best in allprevious examinations.
Competition: in 20xx Yearxx He won the first prize of Shaanxi competitionarea in the national biology middle school biology Olympic League and won thesilver medal in the national finals on behalf of Shaanxixx He won the firstprize in mathematics and the second prize in chemistry in Shaanxi Province. HereI would like to talk about my experience of participating in the nationalbiology competition in summer vacation. When I came to Wuhan No.2 Middle School,with my smile and affinity, I met friends from all over the country and talkedabout my ideals; I have learned that there are green hills and buildings outsidethe mountain. Compared with the national elites, I still have a lot to improve;Ive learned to never give up even in the face of setbacks. Its more importantto adjust my mind to meet the next challenge... All these are preciousexperiences that Ill never forget in my life, and also make me understand moredeeplyxx“ The school motto of "self-improvement".
I have a wide range of hobbies: Although I am a science student, I am veryinterested in history and humanities knowledge. In my spare time, I like towatch the "hundred forum" and watch the knowledge competition of traditionalChinese culture on TV, intending to improve my comprehensive quality. I used tolearn Chinese painting when I was a child. I like to splash ink on Shengxuan,and I like the distant detachment of "landscape stretching thousands of milesaway"; I have also studied guzheng. I like to pick on the twenty-one stringedzither. I like to hate each other in high mountains and flowing water. I likethe graceful sadness in Spring River moonlight; When I was in junior highschool, I went to learn Taekwondo. I like to listen to the clear sound ofkicking the foot target when my legs break through the air. I also firmlyremember and practice the spirit of Taekwondo - courtesy, honesty,self-restraint, indomitable.
My ideal: I like to see all kinds of buildings since I was a child, Abu? I amfascinated by the first light of every sun day in the temple of Simbo, thetowering spire of Notre Dame, and the sail shape of Sydney Opera House. I hope Ican bexx As a member of the Department of architecture, I have formed my ownunique architectural style, so as to realize my ultimate dream - to participatein the design of China Pavilion in the future World Expo and let the world seeChinas style!
I like Tagores poem: "the sky does not leave traces of birds, but I haveflown." For my dream, I have accumulated strength for many years, waiting forthe moment of thin hair. No matter what the result is, at least I have workedhard for my dream and my life, so I will never regret it. Perhaps when I thinkof the experience of this period when Im gray, I will smile for my originalpersistence and determination when I was young.
"There will be times when the wind blows through the waves, and the cloudssail straight to the sea."xx Yuan, wait for me!
英語申請書 篇9
Dear xx,
My motivation to study Accounting /Information Business at degree leveldevelops from my enjoyment from the single Business Studies at AS, currentlyconverted into a double award at A2. For me, Business Studies has proved to be afascinating subject, one that offers unlimited professional opportunities. Mycoursework case studies of both Norwich Union and Zenith Conservatories havegiven me an insight into complexities involved in operating such variedbusinesses, which I have found most intriguing, particularly those which relateto any financial considerations. Studying these business subjects at degreelevel will allow me to explore, in depth, a range of stimulating andinterdisciplinary topics which I feel will give me a broader understandingtowards the theories and practices of management in different organizations inrelation to a Financial/Information environment
At school, I have participated in many fund raising events, open days andfurther education fairs. I regularly collect for Save the Children charity andhave subsequently become a member. Extra-curricular activities have incorporateddrama productions of Grease, the promotion of the School production of West SideStory as part of my Marketing unit and a heavy involvement in the preparationand publishing of our year 11 yearbook. These were demanding tasks, whichincluded budgeting our costs and materials to keep within a specific pricelimit. Although it was tough, I found it extremely satisfying, especially afterseeing the final results. My AS Business course has given me an understanding oforganizations as a whole, but experiences such as working on the Year book andduties in my part time job has allowed me to expand my knowledge andconsciousness of such financial topics. My ICT skills have developed highlythrough doing Vocational A levels, which I feel is invaluable in the Businessfield. The main thing I have learnt is that for all businesses, financialmatters are imperative; it is the core of any organization and beingknowledgeable in such issues attracts me
My communication skills have been enhanced through my part time employmentwith River Island. My promotion to weekend footwear manager is developingknowledge of financial record keeping, problem solving, meeting weekly salestargets and teamwork awareness, which I feel can be used and put into practicewhilst studying my preferred degree course
From the age of seven I attended a Bury St Edmunds Gymnastics club andcompeted at County, Regional and National levels. The feeling that I got when Iplayed a role within the team to gain the gold medal was amazing, equal to thefeeling when I achieved an individual gold medal as the top National aroundcompetitor. The realization of how important managing school work with a hobbywhich was not only physically demanding, but emotionally challenging has givenme a understanding of how to be realistic, a skill which is valuable whenplanning certain business strategies
I believe that during my sixth form studies I have grown in both confidenceand maturity, preparing me for the opportunity to study at university. My choiceof AS and A levels, along with other academic and personal achievements havehelped to consolidate and support my desire to study Business at degree level. Ibelieve that I will be fully committed to successfully completing Accountancy/Information Business related degree and relish in any opportunities which aregiven to help me achieve my aspirations in a business related career.
Yours sincerely,
英語申請書 篇10
Dear x,
Finance is the lifeline of modern economy and if there is no financeglobalization, there is no economy globalization. Finance globalization promotedto enlarge international finance market; multinational trade species and thescale, to make finance innovative appeared, strengthen international capitalfunction and to play an important role on the resource distribution in theworld. With the communication among nations increase and the technologyinformation development, the development of finance tends to globalization.Finance globalization is the motor of economy globalization, finance and economywas one of the important factors for holding for the whole world, information,technology and other industry were developed on the base of finance andeconomy.
The economy strength of a nation decided its place in the world. In thefuture, the world finance market would present themselves with different styles;non-essential economy began to play an important role in the world, thedevelopment of information industry made finance market develop more quickly.Moreover, finance influenced largely on the daily life of common people and madecommon people more concern the development tendency of finance then before andmade out the relevant reaction according to getting information from allaspects, for example, the change of inflation, stock and exchange rate etc. Allthat influenced common peoples (people’s) lives and economical programs.
I began to realize that finance in fact was the different (difference)between microcosmic and microeconomic and macroeconomic knowledge through mylearning in the university, and it owned strong practice and was not abstractknowledge. For instance, currency banking, investment and international financeetc. all offered many cases and made me realize the meaning of finance. Then Iknew that finance covered a wider scope and researcher needed strong academicbackground and ability on macro-control by practices and analysis of cases. Forexample, I acted as a leader of group, each group represents an enterprise anddiscussed whether open new produces instead of old produces, I told every memberto answer for a part and consult materials, then we talked about them togetherand found some materials had superposition and didn’t have close logic, eveneach member had different emphasis and expressions which made me knowcooperation was very important in a enterprise. So I held the second meeting totalk about these questions. I asked all members to look for materials relevantto this case respectively and then analyzed them together. During the process,we thought about them deeply and fully, finally we got a best scheme.
Through this experiment, I became lover finance major than before, becauseit not only brought me model and data but also interest on (in) connectingknowledge with practices to make data and model vivid. Even each new ideaproduced different result. Finance is not a material concept but is socialscience, which contains a wider scope. I am very glad to involving discoveringunknown things in this field. Just like discussion, many members’ thoughtsinspired me and we got satisfied results. Finance is a social science whichembodied human being is the essential. We could cultivate our academic tasteduring the learning symposia and academic discussion process. In the practiceswe could cultivate intuition added combination with academic background andmathematic theory; we could understand finance better.
So I pay attention to connect theory and practices more than before, in myspare time I took part in social practices, for example I visited “internationalfinance” of newspaper office and “Shanghai stock exchange”, besides I took partin planning for the “second finance year meeting” in Shanghai University ofFinance and Economics. During the process, I met many finance people and got achance for visiting Holland bank. Moreover I often consulted lots of financejournals and website materials etc. In order to connect theory with practicesbetter, I carried on special researches on these problems.
For example, I began to research “RMB Globalization problem” and its aimwas to review substantial economy and non-substantial economy how to influencecurrency international globalization from demonstration and theory angle to helpus understand the experiences and lessons happened on the process of eachnational currency globalization and offered some feasible references for RMBinternational globalization. I connected the fact of our national economydevelopment, especially, the base fact of RMB used by some nations around China,through researching the general rule of currency internationalizationglobalization, to discuss the problem on RMB international globalizationprocess.
First, I reviewed the main countries’ currency globalization process in theworld, and found that currency globalization must have two basic conditions. Thefirst was rich economy strength; the second was to keep valuta longstabilization. Second, I pointed out RMB globalization was the necessity choiceof our national economy persisting development and the benefit of currencyglobalization according to the impersonality requirement of economicalglobalization development, and RMB globalization would more enlarge the degreefor opening to foreign.
At the same time I thought that stable, quickly developmental nationaleconomy and larger economical scope made RMB of our country globalizationstrengthens and higher ability against risk, the last part emphasized theprocess of RMB globalization and the research on keeping away from risk. Theprocess of RMB internationalization was: first implement RMB regional strategyon the basis of East Asia currency cooperation and East Asian free trade, thenimplement RMB globalization stratagem under many perfect factors influence.
But during this process, it was very difficult for me to researchnon-substantiality economy in China. At present familiar to us, it was the stockmarket, while in China the stock market system did not very perfect and existsome problems on efficiency, security and fair. For example, I consulted manymaterials and knew several stages of Chinese stock issue, international paperdepartment how to issue stock and the relative policy and system of stockmarket, then I asked my advisor how to comment on it and collected some commentsof experts on the website. Besides I logged in MARKET WATCH and bought severalstocks to do experiment to find out the conclusion that China it was moreperfect, so Chinese stock market needed to be improved.
Finance is very important in all fields and no other field can exist withbreaking away from finance, so the requirements for financer should be improvedin the future. Above all, in the future society, the requirement for financerwas higher than before, the talent only mastered profession will unfit thefuture society. Because in China there are limit resources for me and I amimpressed by your esteemed university, so I decided to go abroad for my futureeducation
Yours sincerely,
英語申請書 篇11
12 May
Dear Sir,
I am writing to apply for a British Council scholarship to study in Britain. I did my five years basic training in medicine at Shanghai University. After this I successfully completed a one-year postgraduate course in Ophthalmology at the Peoples General Hospital, where I am at present serving a two-year probation in the Eye Clinic.
As a result of the publication in 20xx of my article in New Scientist entitled "Soft and Rigid Contact Lenses ", which was based on a survey of 37 patients over 6 months, I made contact with Dr. Li Ming of the Capital Hospital and Dr. Ma Li of the
University College Hospital. I have received their help and advice with my current research project, which is a two-year survey of the acceptance of various types of contact lenses in 200 patients.
Despite their help, I feel that I cannot make real progress in this field unless I can actually have day-to-day contact with these specialists. I would therefore like to continue my research at either the Capital Hospital or the UCH as soon as my probationary period here is completed, and I would like to study in Britain for two years.
I enclose a detailed curriculum vitae and an offprint of my article, together with two letters of recommendation from Dr. Li Ming and Dr. Ma Li.
Yours faithfully,
Lily Chen
英語申請書 篇12
The summer vacation is drawing near. you, liming by name, want to find a part-time job. write an application letter of about 120-150 words within 30 minutes.
Dear sirs, i'm li ming, a sophomore majoring in english at xx university. i read in yesterday's newspaper that you are looking for a part-time secretary and i think i'll prove to be a real find for you. during the past two years at university, i‘ve taken over 18 compulsory and optional course, and have according improved my ability of english listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation considerably. besides, i have learned a lot about foreign relations and trade. at leisure, i always try to grasp every precious opportunity to practice english with native speakers. as a matter of fact, i've already tried some translation and interpretation jobs. i once worked as a temporary interpreter at the east china export commodities fair. in addition, during the past two years, i have been working as a part-time tour guide. my jobs offered me good opportunities to improve my english and work competence and i enjoy them very much. two weeks from now, i will be on holiday again. if you can grant me the honor to work for your company as a secretary for two months, i'd feel obliged. thank you for reading my application letter. i'm looking forward to your reply.
Describe your educational background.
英語申請書 篇13
Dear Sirs,
I am writing you this letter to show my keen interest in the post of assistant manager which you advertised in yesterday's China Daily for, as is indicated in the enclosed resume, my major and experiences closely parallel your requirement.
I have always been a top student in my specialized area, biochemistry. I took several other courses in my spare time and excelled in all of them due to my hard work. I am sure such courses as British and American literature and culture, business management and statistics will lend me an edge in the fierce competition in the job market. Another point I want to draw your attention to is that I have been taking an active part in a variety of campus activities. In the due process teamwork spirit has been enhanced and my interpersonal skills improved.
I would like to meet you at your earliest convenience and discuss the possibility of working with your company. Or, if you are too busy these days, you can contact me at 64543575 for further information. Thank you for your favorable consideration.
Best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Jenny Gree
英語申請書 篇14
My aim is creation. I love the idea of giving life to nothingness. Were I another person in another time, I might spend my whole life tilling the land. Just like the earliest farmers, the sight of dirt giving rise to carrots and tomatoes at my whim feels like a miracle. I like to randomly burst out in song. I like to shake my body. If I could I would be a pianist and a poet and a painter and a politician. Unfortunately, in all these disciplines my ability cant meet my enthusiasm. Where I can create, and break tired codes, is in the kitchen. With unlimited time and resources I would become the best pastry baker and the finest chef in all of the eastern seaboard.
I really like food. On some drab school days I cheer myself up thinking of the dinner awaiting me in the evening. Often I do a 24-hour fast to ready my stomach for a huge meal. Now, being served this food is fine. Its usually restful and rewarding to sit down after a long day to someone elses careful work, whether they be parents, grandmothers, or Little Caesar. But Ive noticed a dull glaze in the eyes of those who cook every night. Theyre doing it not to forge the uncreated conscience of their race, as a hungry James Joyce might say, but out of sometimes love and sometimes duty. I know cooks whose "old standbys" wow me every time, but they havent any pleasure in their labors. Care and duty are NOT why I want to explore food.
I love the whole culinary process, from seedling to grocery to refrigerator to oven to table. At each stage the elements grow more complex and my work far more deliberate. Peeling and coring an apple takes more intellection than planting a row of seeds. Yet I think I shine where order fades away: beyond rules and recipes, in that zone called Its Up To You. I decided to throw in a cup of yogurt instead of butter to my pound cake. No one told me that lentils, carrots, and a bay leaf would make a great salad. I just felt them together. And there was a unanimous vote -- me -- to add cumin and coriander to the spaghetti sauce. Sizzle. Bubble. The creation is imminent.
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- 1 小學二年級家長會英語老師發言稿簡短 10-29
- 2 【作文模板】暑假里的第一節英語課小學三年級作文精選一則 08-29
- 3 【作文模板】小學五年級英語文章最新范文 08-26
- 4 作文閱讀: 我的暑假英語作文五年級其八 08-17
- 5 作文借鑒: 小學五年級英語作文范例 08-01
- 6 【寫作收藏】 二年級英語作文:A Letter(篇五) 07-30
- 7 [演講稿模板]五年級英語演講稿(篇二) 07-28
- 8 【寫作參考】 小學五年級英語作文 07-24
- 9 [推薦寫作] 五年級英語作文:The Cat范例 07-15
- 10 熱門作文: 五年級英語文章范本 06-19
英語家教求職信(合集8篇) 01-08
- 志愿者英語作文15篇 08-03
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- 小學五年級英語文章wps版 11-10
- [作文模板]三年級英語作文:a letter 09-28
- 月度作文推薦: 五年級英語作文(推薦一篇) 09-21
- [熱搜寫作] 三年級英語文章:我的父親一篇 09-06
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- 熱搜作文: 五年級英語文章(篇七) 07-16